Bring Me The Horizon - Chelsea Smile
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 // back to top?
I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.
It sits in silence.
Eats away at me.
It feeds like cancer.
This guilt could fill a fucking sea.
Pulling teeth, wolves at my door.
Now falling and failing is all I know.
This disease is getting worse.
I counted my blessings, now I'll count this curse
The only thing I really know... I can't sleep at night.
I'm buried and breathing in regret, yeaahhhhh
The only thing I really know... I can't sleep at night.
I'm buried and breathing in regret.
I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.
I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.
I may look happy, but honestly dear,
The only way I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear.
I see the vultures, they watch me bleed.
They lick their lips, as all the shame spills out of me.
Repent, repent! The end is nigh!
Repent, repent! We're all going to die!
Repent, repent! These secrets will kill us!
So get on your knees and pray for...
Repent, repent! The end is nigh!
Repent, repent! We're all going to die!
Repent, repent! These secrets will kill us!
So get on your knees and pray for forgiveness!
We all carry these things,
Inside that no one else can see.
They hold us down like anchors.
They drown us out at sea.
I look up to the sky.
There may be nothing there to see.
But if I don't believe in him,
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.
I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you will never know.
You will never know.
I know something you don't know.
I love this lyric, i don't know why.. but i don't like the music , it's make my ears hurt. haha.. (^.^)V
Love this picture xD
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HAPPY BORNDAY MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Happy Birthday MAMA:)
Hopefully, at the age 51 this year ..
Always healthy, and have longevity.
Hopefully my mom can continue to be a good mama, the world's best for us!
I LOVE MAMA forever ..............
Nah lo!!! Ayo, yang kemakan omongan iklan minuman berenergi? :P
Monday, August 30, 2010 // back to top?
Berpuasa sepanjang hari memang menyebabkan badan merasa lemas. Banyak orang kemudian tergiur minuman tonik atau energi saat berbuka.
Namun, ahli gizi menyarankan agar tidak mengasup minuman energi setelah berbuka. Sebab, setelah puasa tubuh membutuhkan cairan untuk membersihkan dan mengisi kembali tubuh serta menyesuaikan dengan tingkat gula darah.
Seperti dikutip dari Arab News, Dr Khalid Madani, pengawas umum dari Departemen Gizi di Departemen Kesehatan Saudi Arabia, mengatakan, minuman berenergi tinggi gula dan kafein penyebab masalah kesehatan seperti gangguan ginjal, kerusakan hati, dan diabetes.
Konsumsi minuman tonik juga menyebabkan badan mengalami gejala seperti lelah, pusing, gelisah, dan sakit kepala parah. Air putih merupakan minuman yang paling dianjurkan saat berbuka.
Sebuah riset dari Nova Southeastern University Florida yang terbit dalam Jurnal Doctors and Sportsmedicine menyimpulkan, minuman energi menimbulkan efek merugikan, terutama jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah besar dan terus-menerus.
Minuman energi mengandung 505 mg kafein dalam 355 ml atau setara dengan 14 kaleng soda. Angka ini jauh lebih tinggi dari ambang batas kafein yang diperbolehkan Badan Obat dan Makanan AS (FDA) sebesar 71 mg dalam 355 ml. Selain itu, kandungan gula dan taurin minuman energi sangat tinggi.
Stephanie Ballard, seorang peneliti AS mengatakan ada bukti minuman ini berkontribusi untuk berat badan dan beberapa penyakit lainnya. "Banyak orang berpikir bahwa seseorang tidak dapat overdosis pada kafein. Tetapi konsumsi kafein terlalu banyak bisa menyebabkan ketegangan, mengantuk dan gugup, osteoporosis, penyakit jantung, masalah vaskuler, komplikasi usus dan bahkan kematian," katanya.
Selama Ramadan, minuman berenergi laris manis di kawasan Timur Tengah. Permintaan minuman penambah tenaga tersebut mengalami kenaikan permintaan.
Welcome to mickey mouse's house..
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THIS IS MY NEW PHOTOS (Sunday, 29 August 2010)
My family visited one of the famous clothing store in Pekalongan.
I do not buy clothes there, I just steal the place to take a picture. : P
Yes! Mickey Mouse .. The famous cartoon character is a clothes shop we visited yesterday.
Papa and my sister had got what they wanted, namely a pair of jeans. hoaam .... I hate when I do not carry a bag of new stuff. But what to do?? in there I do not find exciting new items.
Have a new photo ! xD
Monday, August 23, 2010 // back to top?
hahaha.. isn't really important to i'm share in here.. but i just wanna to share :P
Photo Editor (Rizqiya (Me)) xD
And now, this photo is my background twitter.. check my twitter --->
Ngabuburit bareng keluarga :) (FAMILY TOUR)
Sunday, August 22, 2010 // back to top?
Today, My families break their fast together at the Batang.Batang is one of regencies in Central Java. i and family have a plan tarawih at Masjid Al Fairuz, but coz I have a homework so had to rush home: '(.
No problem .. Masjid Al Fairus hopefully i can see you soon ^ _ ^
Foto sama mamaku tercinta :))
Picture taken with my lovely mother .. :)
Foto di depan masjid Al Fairuz (bener gak ya namanya(?))
Picture taken in front of the Masjid Al Fairuz ( true name (?) )
Terlalu baik, tidak baik (Viva News)
Friday, August 20, 2010 // back to top?
Kenapa Jadi Orang Terlalu Baik Bisa Merugikan
By Petti Lubis, Mutia Nugraheni - Jumat, 20 AgustusKirimKirim via YMCetak
Kenapa Jadi Orang Terlalu Baik Bisa Merugikan
VIVAnews - Semua hal positif yang 'terlalu' memang bisa menjadi bumerang. Salah satunya adalah sikap yang terlalu baik. Menurut penelitian, menjadi seseorang yang terlalu baik dapat merusak kehidupan pribadi dan profesional Anda.
Hasil studi menyatakan, sikap terlalu baik bisa menghambat seseorang untuk maju, dan mudah dipermainkan orang lain. Masalahnya, dibandingkan pria, lebih banyak wanita yang memiliki kepribadian terlalu baik ini. Mengapa?
"Wanita dibesarkan dan dilatih untuk menjadi pribadi yang selalu baik dan melakukan hal-hal yang seharusnya dijalani. Mereka kurang dilatih untuk bersikap tegas," kata Kiki Weingarten, dari perusahaan konsultan karir, DLC Executive Coaching and Consulting, Amerika Serikat, seperti dikutip dari Shine.
Weingarten menambahkan, ketegasan bukan berarti menjadi jahat, kasar atau konotasi negatif lainnya. "Ketegasan berarti mampu berdiri sendiri dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki tanpa menyakiti orang lain atau menjadi jahat."
Menurut Craig English, salah satu penulis "Anxious To Please: 7 Revolutionary Practices For The Chronically Nice", Anda termasuk orang yang terlalu baik apabila :
1. Anda sering merasa khawatir terhadap suatu hal, dan itu tampak normal
2. Anda sering tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan
3. Anda sering minta maaf padahal tidak melakukan kesalahan
4. Keadaan emosi Anda mengikuti pasangan (jika pasangan Anda tidak bahagia, Anda juga tidak bahagia).
5. Anda tidak dapat mempertahankan perasaan romantis, dan bahkan tidak bisa memulainya
6. Anda selalu merasa merindukan sesuatu/seseorang.
Weingarten mengatakan sebanyak 99,9 persen dari klien wanitanya mengalami masalah sama, yaitu memiliki pribadi yang terlalu baik. Ia menyarankan untuk belajar mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya mereka inginkan, bukan langsung berpikir: "Tetapi dia ingin aku melakukan.... " atau "Mereka tidak akan menyukaiku jika...".
Sebenarnya bukan masalah besar jika mengecewakan seseorang. Tetapi, hal yang harus dipelajari adalah menerima atau bertoleransi dengan reaksi orang lain yang tidak puas atau tidak menyukai Anda.
Timbaland ft, Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again (lyric)
Thursday, August 19, 2010 // back to top?
This is Lyric of Timbaland ft, Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again
What is somebody like you doin' in a place like this?
Say did you come alone or did you bring all your friends?
Say whats your name? What you drinking?
I think I know what are you thinking
Baby whats your sign,
tell me yours and ill tell you mine
Say What is someone like you doin' in a place like this?
I'll never be the same
If we ever meet again
Won't let you get away
If we ever meet again
This freefall, oh, got me so, oh
kiss me all night,
don't ever let me go
Ill never be the same
if we ever meet again
Do you come here much?
I swear I've seen your face before
You don't see me blush
but I cant help to want you more, more
Baby tell me whats your story?
I ain't shy, don't you worry
I'm flirting with my eyes
I wanna leave with you tonight
do you come here much?
I've gotta see your face some more
(some more cause baby I..)
I'll never be the same
If we ever meet again
Won't let you get away
If we ever meet again
This free fall, oh got me so, oh
kiss me all night,
don't ever let me go
Ill never be the same
if we ever meet again
If we ever meet again,
I'll have so much more to say
(Say if we ever meet again)
If we ever meet again, again
I wont let you go away
(Say if we ever meet again)
If we ever, ever meet again
I'll have so much more to say
(Say if we ever meet again)
If we ever, ever meet again
I wont let you go away!
I'll never be the same
If we ever meet again
Won't let you get away
If we ever meet again
This free fall, oh got me so oh
kiss me all night,
don't ever let me go
Ill never be the same
if we ever meet again
I'll never be the same
If we ever meet again
Won't let you get away
If we ever meet again
This free fall, oh got me so, oh
kiss me all night,
don't ever let me go
Ill never be the same
if we ever meet again
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today i feel like a failure, do not know why.clear to what I am too open here ..
So, I should not mention this.however, can not hold my finger to press the button on the keyboard.
blank! maybe this just additional entrieĀ
Let's Talk about TWITTER
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If you have twitter account?
And if your answer is YES
You must to check this web..
Coz this web, can help you to know who unfollow you on twitter..
Are you like?
If you like
Please click this link ^_^
Hey Yah!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 // back to top?
I have a new Skin!
I have a new Music Playlist!
I have a new Tagboard
I have..............................................
How about you? :P
And I HAVE A NEW PHOTO ! Editor : Me Me Me ~~~~~~~~
Just Getting Bored
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For now, i love katy perry music.
Check this video out!
Timbaland - If We Ever Meet Again ft. Katy Perry
You can sing the song.
Update Status Facebook xD
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Kalau pada mau gaya-gaya'an update status for blackberry, ipad, iphone. etc...
kalian bisa pake aplikasi dari blog yang satu ini.
keren banget deh.. kalian bisa keliatan (kayak) asli pake blackberry, etc.
check this out guys!!!
I'm Back BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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I am happy to get back into blogger. ^ _ ^
How do you blog?
lol xD hhahahaha
It would be really fun! because I really miss the blog.
Now, the name of this blog is irntoRQ. (When I stopped to bloging, the name of this blog is not irntoRQ) So, I created a new blog ..